Hello everyone! I'm a boy scoutin', violin/fiddle playing, ham radio operating railfanrati raddfs. I love taking photos of just about anything. If I see a good angle, I'll attempt to photograph it. I'm definitely into model railroading. I try to model the Pennsy steam era - between 1955 and 1957. I would love to railfan out west - Donner Pass, Tehachipi Loop, Durrango & Silverton Scenic Railroad, just to name!a few. I also like railfanning in WV, western Maryland, and western Pennsylvania in the autumn. The different tree colors plus mountains make for beautiful photography opportunithes.
I live on the Delmarva Peninsula. I have Norfolk Southern, Delaware Coastline Railroad, and Maryland & Delaware Railroad within 25 miles from my house. I try to get out and railfan these in my free time. It's hard to catch the MDDE where I live because the closest railfanning spot for me is the Seaford, DE, MDDE/NS interchange - and they only interchange 3-4 days per week. The DCLR only runs on certain days, so, it too, is a little hard to catch.
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